The Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

We would all agree that a massage anytime is wonderful. It becomes extra nourishing during pregnancy. For mothers who are doing their normal activities at the same time as growing another human inside of them it is truly supportive. Massages can nurture the extreme physical and emotional changes during pregnancy, says Maya Maria, Shiatsu Massage Instructor and owner of Open Birth on the Northern Beaches of Sydney.

Pregnancy Massage Photography

It is normal in many cultures around the world for mothers to regularly receive massage and nourishing bodywork to support them to prepare for birth. Massages both relax the body and open up space for baby. It is common for pregnant people to experience tightness and sore muscles. Pregnant mothers notice that their entire body feels and looks different. The body is stretching to provide room for baby to grow and also carrying extra weight around including the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid and extra blood volume.

Pregnancy Massage Photography Sydney

It is a truly remarkable and magical to grow another human. To receive nourishing support whilst your body does this in the form of massage is so helpful. Mums often say that massage is deeply relaxing for the nervous system and the baby can feel the benefits as well.

pregnancy massage

Specific massage styles are also helpful in the postpartum period to give back to the mother. There can be exhaustion, tiredness and a whirlwind of new challenging emotions and joys after baby is born. The body is returning to not being pregnant anymore and this is another physical transition which can take some time. Mums are also giving a lot and have many new tasks. A small time for mothers to receive during a massage is revitalising and really a game changer.

Mother cuddling Child classic newborn photography

There are different types of pregnancy and postpartum massage available such as pregnancy shiatsu. Each style has a different focus but all are supportive and a beautiful way to take care of this transition.


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