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8 Reasons to get Maternity Photos

Maternity photos are some of the most treasured memories a family can have. During pregnancy you may be asking if it’s really something you want. After you have given birth is clear why this special time needs to be captured.

1. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Being pregnant with your child will not come by again and it will definitely be a memory you want to look back upon. I also see that there is such a shift from your pregnant self to becoming a mother. It is beautiful to reflect on this time through photos.

2. You deserve to have beautiful images. Every mother looks gorgeous during pregnancy. Your belly is growing and you are glowing. It is a time to show off the beautiful miracle that is growing inside of you. Even at times of nausea, vomiting, or any other challenges in pregnancy, you still look gorgeous. We also take photos during the last trimester when there is usually an easing of physical discomfort or sicknesses during pregnancy, and often women are feeling more outgoing and bubbly. If you are feeling self-conscious you will probably be surprised at how gorgeous you look in the photos.

3. You should celebrate yourself. The journey of pregnancy into motherhood is huge! There is so much change and transformation happening. Everyone deserves to be acknowledged and seen in this life-changing stage. If you want your partner in the photos, it is a beautiful way to strengthen your connection and celebrate the new life you are creating together. It is important to memorialize these rare moments and bring all the beauty to the surface.

4. Do it for your kids. My three kids love to see photos of themselves in my belly. Having some professionally taken photos is so nice to share with them as they grow older and why maternity photos are so important. Your kids will be sure to cherish them when they grow up just as much as you. If you have older children, it is also a wonderful opportunity to include them in some of the photos and celebrate your pregnancy and the imminent birth of their new baby brother or sister together.

5. People around you love to see and share. It is a big deal for your parents and close friends to be with you as you enter a new phase of life. It is big! Friends want to be involved and see photos of you and your growing family. It is special to be able to share this time with them through the magic of photography. Especially when those who we love dearly may live far away, it is even more precious to bring a photo of your pregnant self into their lives. We all know the feeling of being sent a gorgeous meaningful photo from a friend or family member. It makes us feel connected and included, and strengthens our bonds.

6. There’s no reason not to! Really when you think about it, why wouldn’t you get pregnancy photos? It’s not too expensive and you can always choose the package that is right for you. It’s definitely worth it to invest in pregnancy photos for your family because maternity photos are so important.

7. It’s easy! Coming to my studio for a pregnancy shoot is relaxing. Everyone says it was a really enjoyable session, and want to come back again! You don’t need to prepare anything or know what to do before you come. I am there to gently guide you to different shots and to make you feel comfortable the entire time.

8. Professional photos are different from phone snaps. The quality of photos when done professionally is noticeably different. The lighting, editing, pixel quality, and everything else like angle and backdrop are taken into account. The images are also of much higher quality when you print them. Photographers are also skilled with the ability to make you look your best. If you want other siblings, partners, or family in the photos, professional photography can make everyone look great. It’s extremely hard to capture photos where everyone is even looking at the camera, it’s not blurry, and you actually like the photo. It’s easier and more rewarding to take the family and celebrate this big life change together. Many women after their birth say they wished they had taken pregnancy photos and not just newborn photography.